After rain Lilies but we still do not get enough rain.

So it is summer and Jul. We decided to combine hem this year and probably in the future. Midsummer-Yule wreath.

Here is the old Rudolf from Torrance, still going strong with his pointsettias and added some summer roses and tulips. We know tulips are spring flowers but so what.

Here is the smaller Yellow Guava starting to bloom. It has really come into it´s own since we took down the Liquid Ambar.

Here are the pointsettias Maki and Kalle gave us last Jul. They wre tiny tiny then. Thinking of relocating them into the garden one day but they do not really belong in the bush. We´ll see. Gardenia in the background.

Watered early in the morning, did laundry, dishes, made lunch and let it get cold before we ate. Sat mostly on the veranda and read or stared at the sky. Then we got clouds and they got darker and the we had some showers but they did not amount to more than 2.5 millimiters. Found an old James Bond in the drawers and watched that. Tried a Tarrantino first but it had the wrong area code. Hate area codes. Had boiled and chilled egg on sandwich in the evening. Yup it is that hot.
Oh yea sat around in the creek for a long long time. The creek is getting slimy and green with algae.
First of December. Put up the wreath outside, beside the door, made gingersnap dough x 2, one for the house which this year might be a roo, the other for the small cookies, painted the vanity for the second time. It has the same colour as the walls in the bathroom – light yellow. Then of course the usual: dishes, emptying the compost bin and emptying the composting toilet. Missing sticks for hanging some of the yule-deco´s but found two in one of the wood piles so to do is also sanding them and maybe lacquering them to keep the red nice colour.

Blooming now are the Gardenias and the Jacarandas all though the Jac´s have more flowers on the ground than on the trees.

Back home! Getting this property going.