First day of frost in the morning. Usually it is right at sunrise and then tapers off as the sun rises. Did not reach the patches. 2 mice by the Hügelkultur, that is the raised bed made with corrugated roof sheets. Of course the mice gets in through the corrugation openings. We will have to do something about that. The Kooka was happy though. So also a new trial on the Swedish yule ham. Spiced the ham, set the stock to cool off, M is making banana bread. Poured the stock over the ham and into the fridge. Now ca 10 to 20 days with a couple of turns of the ham in between. Raked and cleared by the grapes.
Monthly Archives: May 2023
Rainy Day in May
Just nu har vi följande fåglar i omgivningen. Rosellafåglar, Gultofskakaduor, Australian King Parrot Currawong och Satin Bowerbirds i flockar. Särskilt vill de åt frukten och grönsakerna. Vi har täckt några träd samt ettan och tvåan och flera av sängarna i 3:an och 4:an i väntan på att vi ska ta oss till Bunnings och köpa fler nät. Just nu regnar det.

Right now we have Rosellas, Sulfurcrested Cockatoos, Australian King Parrots, Currawongs, Satin Bowerbirds except for the stationary Maggies, Crows and the Kooka. Now and then the Majestic ones come by to check for nuts or so. (Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos). They want our fruit and veg’s. We now have covered no 1 and 2 with nets and several of the beds. Soooon Bunnings for more nets.

Lite skördrensning i det perfekta köket
Cleaning some vegies in the kitchen made for cleaning harvest in.