We stayed a resort to celebrate M; birthday. We forgot his choco prezzie at home – too bad but he got that one later. Anyway, at the hotel the dishwasher did not work. The fixer guy turned up and – rats were the culprit. Even in town on the third floor.

Did some harvesting. It’s been a while since the cows wreaked havoc in the patches and now we have a good fence all around them and the composting. Cute with the Turnips matching my working shirt.

Found Wombat berries in the bush. Sowed and now wait maybe a month. They are edible but well if nothing else the animals allegedly like them a lot.
Hittade Wombatbär i bushen och tog hem. Sådde och kan ta upp till en månad innan de kommer upp så ja om inte annat så ska djuren gilla dessa bär. Tänker inte plantera bland grönsakerna.

Last but not least we began straightening and fixing the fencing by the creek path. It was damaged a lot during the fires. We call it the Horse paddock. The neighbours cows just love sleeping and eating there. We have decided to fence it in better so that we can plant native and other trees there. We have already measures where 6 of our partly native trees will be planted and soon we will add the Pomelo tree to them.

Hagen behövde ett rejält upplyft efter eldarna och vi har använt mestadels sådant som redan fanns på gården. Sen blir det 7 träd nedgrävda samt i framtiden fler och en sittgrupp för fika.
Most of the material we already have in the yards. Soon it will rain and then we will plant 7 trees. If this works well there will be more in the future and a nice little space for sitting.
Idag for vi runt och samlade kokackor och la delvis vid trädmarkeringarna och resten vid komposten att blanda ner.
Today we divided and went around picking up cowpats and gathered in one of the compost parts and some by the intended tree planting spots.