The parcel is very big. But on it we have a garden which is not too big. Then there are areas which we want to clear and keep clear because we use them a lot. Therefore we have divided them into squares and numbered them. Before we did this all work felt very overwhelming. Now we feel that we at least get things done.
There is just one thing now and that is the neighbour sold his cows. They were our lawnmowers and compost additives, the muck that is. Now they are gone and everything is growing like crazy. We will have to hire someone to mow all paddocks before the dry season. Wow what a hay stack it´s going to be.
Back to the garden now. We have cleared all of the surrounding garden close to the house and cut down some trees and branches. We are also still trying to figure out what different trees we have.
We cleared around the water tank so it should dry out well between rains. The wooden rest on which it stands always feels rotten. The first time we filled Jen stepped on one plank and it broke and she fell backwards. Luckily the ground was grassy and there were no stones or debris.
Latest clearing we did was finished today and it is the sliver between the garden and the citrus grove. It has some lime trees, one lemon tree and probably one mandarin tree. Later on we will integrate it with our garden.
We have also arranged the different pieces of wood in green half dry, dry and different kinds. Those meant for fire and those that can be used for building.
Next will be under the house in preparation for righting it.