Sometimes days are like that

Woke up and from the verandah saw one of the big Wallabies licking a very red spot on his stomach. It was sitting down on it´s tail which was sticking out front sort of instead of backwards as usual. Jen spoke to it and it did not jump away. The two big ones are a bit shy otherwise. Went in and had brekkie. Later it lied down in it´s side. Now we got nervous it was sick and maybe would die. We talked to it a couple of times and it looked at us but did not jump away. In the evening it got up and jumped away and ate some. I hope it´s back to business. We planned our day´s work: the dunny and raking the back yard but then our plans got thwarted because it stunk in the storage. The cans with beans we had conserved had yeasted and run over and gotten mouldy and stunk prawn and fish. One of the bottles of lemon juice had leaked a lot and mould loved it. So instead of following our plan we picked the innards of the old fridge apart and cleaned them and sprayed mould stuff on. Poured out our beans on the compost and did not do much else. Sometimes days are like that.

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