Most of the time food is not planned in advance. This year especially we have to make up everything as we go since it is not growing well in the patches. We have not made any home made salsa or cucumbers, those amounted to only two whereas last year we ate cucumbers coming out of our ears. So in the morning we decide what to eat. What is in the fridge and what is ready to be harvested in the patches.
Freezer prawns, rice fried with egg, swede, carrot, basil & parsley.

Next. We have many butternut pumpkins/squash this year. They are not big but have become a staple. Better like butternuts! Here is the days butternut soup with, again, prawns and some homegrown red capsicum and fresh oregano. There is something more green in there, might be green capsicum that was laying around in the fridge.

Kronan på verket. Nya rätter att göra av squashen? Halvera squashen och skåra den. Pensla med något gott fettigt. Kör i ugnen tills den är mjuk och fin, ca 1 tim. Senap, ost, hackade nötter som man gillar, örter som man har hemma och gillar och strö på och in i ugnen en kvart. Mumsmums. Eller vad man nu vill strö på.
Det gav idéen att köra squashen med något sött på istället, som sirap och nötter och lite smör eller liknande. Hmmmmmmm.