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Lite söndagsjobb: Sometimes it is time to work inside.
First off Kumquat squash (again, but it’s for the rest of the year)

Next Loquat pie. It never seems to amount to more than enough for a pie (ca 30 loquats).

What to do with 6 grapefruits? Why not preserve them in light syrup?

Picked some Lemon Myrtle leaves when we pruned and trimmed in the garden two days ago. They are nice and dried so… jar them or crush them and jar them.. hmm. After some research on the internet we decided to just put them in a jar and see how it works out.

And for din we thought we would make a chanterelle stew from dried chanterelles we found at Aldi’s. They sadly just came out like ordinary bread!

Missed taking pic’s when Mick fried them on the barbie. All that baking for nothing! We’ll have to try another recipe.
Blev bara som vanliga bröd. Måste prova ett annat recept nästa gång.
We had some cows visiting yesterday so also went for a scout to look if they were still around but saw none. But the Plovers were out and about attacking so they have a nest somewhere.
Fåglar som heter Plovers har byggs bo någonstans och jagar oss när vi går omkring. i lördags kom några kor och hälsade på så vi skulle se om de var kvar men såg inga. Blev jagade av Plovers’arna istället. dumfåglar. Vi har försökt få dem att lämna våra ägor ett längre tag nu så de borde veta att vi bor här men icke då.