All posts by aussiebarons

Rain, veggie patch

We have had rain all evening and all night. An ordinary drizzle. Did not even fill the wheelbarrow standing outside. If the weather follows the rules it should start raining sometime in January. Well just hoping for good enough rain to make everything green.

In the veggie patch, all the beans have come up and now need small sticks for the feelers to catch on to. One coriander has come up and nothing more. We sowed 6 different vege & herbs. Time for a second sowing and see if it will work better. Maybe something ate the others. Maybe they needed more water.

Our solution for water.


We take our water directly from Five Day Creek.

It is clean enough to drink but we filter the drinking water anyway. It is about 200 meters from the cabin to the creek.

About every two weeks we must fill up the 3500 liter tank. The petrol powered pump is not connected permanently so it has to be taken down to the creek and be connected to  the hoses stored there. The reason for not having a permanent connection is that flooding in the summer would wash it away.


Checking the oil and filling up the fuel tank of the pump.


Down at the creek it is time to connect all the hoses


All clear at the tank!


Filling up the tank takes about 45 minutes of pumping at full throttle. The sound of pumps going can be heard on a regular basis from all properties.

We use an old T-shirt to filter away any debris from the pump. After 3 days or so the sludge is at the bottom of the tank and the water is clear.

When the tank is full everything is disconnected and taken away.




First day

bn-Aleta-&-Michael-with-too20141007 Tuesday

10:15 the phone call came. Settlement done. The property is ours!!!!

Vacation is over. Packed stuff that cannot take water since it might rain tomorrow.  

After lunch we drove (Jen) to our property. Met with Anita & Anton and Michael and Anette. Welcomed them to our humble abode, haha.

Waited for them to finish packing. Michael showed us a little more about the house. They left and we carried all our stuff inside. We also move a lot of logs for the container truck to make it to the gate. Then we went back to Bellbrook and ate all the microwave popcorn. Watched tv for the last time in a long time.

Got a call that customs have cleared our container.