Tag Archives: kooka baby

In front of the fire

We have some rainy days. They were supposed to come in March April. Two days we are spending in front of the fire not doing much. The Yellow Guavas are falling on the ground like apples in October. We have picked our share and the Honeyeaters and possum are munching on the rest. The Small Leaved Lillypilly fruit fell off the tree, hard and green and useless. Now we are picking small Mandarins. They are like eating candy! The mice are now squeezing in through some gap in the storage room and started nibbling on the seed packets. Another Kooka  baby on the block, still together with a grown up.

Oh it´s soo beautiful out here it´s incredible. Today with the morning mist and some of the trees changing colour. The Red Cedar has a light green canopy now instead of deep green.