Tag Archives: refrigerator

New white stuff


So the day after we did our shopping in Kemp the freezer on the fridge popped. It´s been on the on and off for a week but we thought stupidly that we would have some more time to check out freezers and fridges before it totally went dead. It has three settings and the middle setting was the one that ceased but this morning all of them refused even the quick freeze button. Thermostat must be broken. Yesterday we resisted to check out the white goods in town because it is so nice to come home while it is still light. We should have.

So this morning we have a fridge full of newly bought food and a freezer full of frozen food for 5 days = 11 meals each for 2 people. To have someone come out, a 2 hour drive, from Kempsey to have a look at the fridge/freezer and either say buy a new one or take it apart and say we need a new thermostat and pay out of our nose, then go back 2 hrs. No, just buy new stuff because we need it today.

It has rained some more during the night so the roads will be worse but WTH just pack all the “saw down trees and hack away the vines” kit and get going. Most of that stuff is always in the ute anyway. But good, no car fridge, no cooler and no carton for cans & bottles. And away we go. The creeks are up so we have to go through the bush.

First stop lunch at KFC. That chicken has most definitely been frozen.

Second stop, get a sturdy trolley at Bunnings. We can always use a good trolley around here. So we unpacked it in the parking lot and went over to pump the tyres. One tyre was leaking so back to Bunnings. They did not want to give us new tyres and the guy, after humming and hawing and talking to the manager, went over to pump the tyre himself. Haha, the tyre did leak! Theeen he gave us a new tyre for free. So back to the parking lot and put on the new tyre. They were pumped already. That took at least 45 min of precious time.

Things you think will be quick are never quick. Things that you think will take time are always quicker. Ain´t that odd.

So 3rd stop Betta and have a look at what they´ve got, not impressed.

Over to the pretty newly opened white goods outlet store by the railway. All goods they had were from east Asia. After a lot of discussions we chose a Daewoo. The freezer is much bigger then we old one and that is important to us. Had to ask the salesperson how it handled on the highway. She got it immediately and said she had not tried that yet. The salesperson made sure we understood that even though there was a five year warranty nobody would come out to our neck of the woods or even Bellbrook. They would send stuff and we would have to do the rest. So up with the Daewoo on the ute, standing up of course.

Onward home. Dark clouds everywhere but we did not get any rain – yay! We made it home without cutting down neither branches or the package on P-trail. Both creeks are still high but here we have bridges.

Slithering down our hill but we made it in one piece. Then into the house to move the old one into the storage room. Stupid fridge worked when we got home but it is so off and on and that is not good. Then slide down the new one and off with the packaging (by now it was pitch black) and roll up the stairs and into the house and on it´s place. Put on handles and wheels and so on and got it going. Yaya. After 2 hrs. Mick transported the freezer goods over to the new freezer and woah it almost disappeared compared to the old freezer. Still it does not look bigger on the outside but it is slightly.

Ok, late dinner in front of a nice fire. Phew.


Mat, Food


Denna bild är tagen en dag innan vi åker och handlar mat.

Frysen är praktiskt taget tom, vilket är bra i det här fallet eftersom vi var tvungna att fylla den med hackad Gul Guava. Vi har slut på socker så vi måste frysa Guavan tills vi har köpt mer socker.

This is the day before we go food shopping.

The freezer is practically empty, which is good in this case since we needed to fill it with chopped up Yellow Guava.

We ran out of sugar so we have to freeze the Guavas until we have bought some more sugar.




Detta är kylskåpet innan vi fyllt det med 3 veckors livsmedel som behöver vara i kylskåpet.

Vi har också kryddor och pasta, ris osv i en plastbunke med lock.

This is the fridge before we fill it with 3 weeks of food that needs to go in the fridge.

We also have condiments and pasta, rice a.s.o. that we have in plastic lided tubs.

Beroende på vilken tid vi kommer hem och hur trötta vi är registrerar vi antingen maten samma kväll eller nästa dag på datorn. Vi skriver dit sista användningsdagen och vad det är och hur många måltider det borde bli. Sen lagar vi till, äter och fryser maten enligt det.

Depending on at what time we get home and how tired we are we either register perishable food on the computer, the same evening or the next day. We note the expiration date, what it is and how many meals it should render. Then we eat and process the food accordingly.


Fullt kylskåp.   Full refrigerator.

När vi handlar försöker vi lista ut hur många måltider en bit kött kommer att utgöra. En fläskstek kan ge 4 – 5 måltider t.ex. Om vi kan få ihop till 15 måltider är det bra. Vi har också scones, pannkakor, varma smörgåsar, pumpasoppa och andra köttlösa rätter på dagordningen.

Vi har vanligtvis cirka 4 dagars mat kvar när vi går och handlar.

Det är bra eftersom vi kan ha en översvämning eller något annat naturhinder på gång.

When in the store shopping we try to figure out how many meals a piece of meat will make. A pork leg steak will be about 4 –5 meals. If we can buy 15 meals in meat it is good. We also have scones, pancakes, hot sandwiches, pumpkin soup and other meatless food on the agenda.

We usually have about 4 days food left when we go shopping.

That is good since we might have a flooding or some other nature thing going.

Vi lagar en massa grytor. Man kan variera en gryta på många sätt. Om vi tar kött för 2 personer, ca 100 gram vardera, blir det ofta mat för 4 eller 6 personer. Så en lunch / middag kan generera 3 luncher / kvällsmåltider. Maten multipliceras. Vi försöker också att göra klyftpotatis i gasugn, men det har inte lyckats väl. Snart kommer vi att prova vår egen pizza.

På senare tid vi försöker göra ett par måltider från kokböcker men eftersom vi köper billiga grejer eller använder vad som växer i trädgården så får fantasin råda. Det visar sig rutinmässigt att bli mycket aptitretande.

Idag har vi gjort linser med indiska kryddor. Supergott.

We cook a lot of stews. You can vary a stew in many ways. If you take meat for 2 people, that is ca 100 grammes each, it usually ends up being food for 4 or 6 people. So 1 lunch/dinner generates 3. The food is proliferating. We also dabble in trying to make potato wedges in the gas oven but it has not panned out well. Soon we shall try out our own pizza. Lately we try to make a couple of meals from cookbooks but since we buy the cheap stuff or use what grows in the garden we mostly use our imagination. It routinely turns out very very appetizing.

Today we made lentils in an Indie fashion – so good.

Händelsevis vi kan ha bara popcorn och vin / te till kvällsmat.

Happenstance we may have only popcorn and wine/tea for din.