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Refurbishing rooms in a small house takes planning.
First move all furniture into livingroom. Flytta allt.

Then replace the rotten planks in the floor. Takes a while to order the right wood too. Yeah that’s the ground you see. Ruttet överallt.

Allmost set:

Walls, ceiling all must either be replaced or mended. Since the wall to the main room is the old outside wall and parts are missing you can see straight through so needs an inner wall.

There is art and scribbles all over the walls inside, well in a lot of places. This house has had a loooot of odd people living in it from time to time. Gamla ytterväggen, man ser igenom tilll vardagsrummet.
Then came the fires and put an end to the work. Lite störning i jobbet.

We were locked in because all roads were blocked off due to fires.

We had a dozered road made around the house by the firefighters (fieries) but it was still pretty nervewracking. I had already in my mind made up that if the house burns down we would build a brick house.
Time to paint ceiling. and windows. Måla tak.

All set, curtains up. Innervägg och gardiner.

They are a tad bit narrow for the old British windows in this room but we do not care too much. Gamla engelska fönster med vikter och sån’t. Gardinerna är lite för smala men det gör inget.
Time for a trip to the kids in Japan. Mera störningar.

We also need wardrobes in the new bedroom. Since we moved we have used book shelves. There is always dust and the lower shelves may often have mold and we have even had mice live among the clothes. NO MORE! Möss och damm, vi behövde garderober.

While waiting for open roads and good weather to pick up the wardrobes in Port we started on the old bedroom which we shall call the study. Medan vi väntade började vi på nästa rum.

Not as nasty as the other room but missing skirtings which let bugs and spiders crawls in straight from outside. BUT NO MORE! Later on this room.
Nice with a bit of royal feeling to it! Inte så pjåkigt. Lite kunglig känsla tycker vi.

Last touch some framed pictures from whenever. Have not seen most of them since we owned a house last.
We just love our bedroom and for some reason sleep much better here!